I taught my older son to play Gin Rummy at age 6. I love games, but Crazy 8’s and Go Fish were literally pushing me over the mental edge. I had to advance him. Fast forward 7 years and both of my sons are accomplished card players.
There is one game, though, where I consistently have an edge over them. It’s called Speed. If you’re not familiar, it is simply a game of getting rid of your cards the fastest. The boys love to play each other, having the winner play me. Or they try to get their friends to beat me. I have to admit it feeds my ego. But after every win I say, “Boys, I am not good at much, so I am going to take this!”
And I mean it.
Aren’t we all keenly aware that we are good at a few things, but bad at so much more?
Why do our deficiencies seem to outweigh our strengths? Or maybe it’s that our deficiencies just seem more obvious? All I know is if you ask someone their strengths and weaknesses, the weaknesses will always come first and be a longer list than the strengths.
Wouldn’t you agree? What if I were to ask you ? Which list is bigger and what comes to mind first?
I have a theory for why our inadequacies readily come to mind. I believe it’s because we hear two different voices discussing them with us. Let me explain.
Inadequacy is an interesting word. Both God and the devil love to use it. God longs for us to acknowledge our inadequacies, learning to depend on Him and watch Him faithfully come through. Satan also longs for us to acknowledge them, but he uses them in a different way. While God wants to show Himself strong in our weaknesses and move us through our challenging situations, the devil wants us to wallow in our weaknesses and stay put. He uses shame and failure to keep us angry, depressed, insecure and broken.
God and Satan both love inadequacies. But one uses them for our good and the other for our demise. Notice God's response when the Apostle Paul asks about his weaknesses:
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
After experiencing that power, Paul goes on to say:
“Therefore, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10
Satan, on the other hand, is described differently:
“Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8b
So, don’t be fooled.
The reason why you can easily name your shortcomings is because you have two different voices telling you about them. But one is wanting to take your failings and make you stronger and the other is wanting to make you fail.
It’s funny how the same issue in your life can have drastically different results.
So, remember this: don’t be upset that you have inadequacies. We’ve all got them and God is ready, when you are, to take them on and use them to make you stronger.
It’s your choice.
Be Intentional
Write down 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 and put it where it can regularly be seen and start thinking differently about your weaknesses.
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